Dr. Hossein Karimi
Education records
PhD - Ferdowsi University of Mashhad - 2015
Master of Soil Sciences - Ferdowsi University of Mashhad - 2004
Bachelor of Soil Sciences, Shiraz University, 2000
Sabbatical: A Study of the Role of Water Erosion in Soil Organic Carbon Loss in the Swan Hill area of Victoria, Department of Forest Science and Ecosystem, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Managerial records
Management of watershed management department of Ahvaz Pourab Consulting Engineers
Management of Social Studies Department of Ahvaz Pourab Consulting Engineers Company
Faculty management of Binaloud Institution of Higher Education
Education Management of Binaloud Institution of Higher Education
Scientific Papers
Karimi Hossein, Soufi M. , Haghnia GH. R. Khorasni, 2005. Aggregate stability as an Index of soil quality and soil erosion potential in some loamy and sandy Loam soils: Case study in lamerd watershed (South of Fars province), international conference of human impacts on soil quality attributes in arid and semiarid regions, sep 12-16,2005, Isfahan, I,R. Iran.
Hossein Karimi, M.O. A. Askari and K. Badahang. Using GIS and MPSIAC Model to Estimate Sedimentation and Produce Erosion Map in Rakaat Catchments of Karoun 3 Dam of Khouzestan Province, Iran. Accepted in ISCO 2008.
Study Of Aggregate Stability In Areas With Glacial Erosion In Fars Province. Hussein Karimi, Ghulam Hussein Haquniya, Majid Sufi, Amir Fatwat. 9th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Tehran, September 6-9, 2005. 478-477
Investigation Of The Role Of Electrical Conductivity On Clay Flatness Index In Eroded Areas Of Kondoran (Hormozgan province). Majid Sufi, Hussein Karimi, Fatemeh Rasouli and Mohammad Zare Mehrjardi. . 9th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Tehran, September 6-9, 2005. 546-544
Evaluation Of Aggregate Stability And Soil Erosion Potential In Loamy And Sandy Loam Soils: A Case Study Of Lamerd Plain-Fars Province, Hossein Karimi, Majid Sufi, Gholamhossein Haghnia, Reza Khorasani. Gorgan Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Volume 14, Number 6, February-March 2007.
Causes Of Mass Movements According To Soil Characteristics And Geology Of Rakat Sub-Basin Of Karun 3 Dam Basin Of Khuzestan Province, Hossein Karimi, Karim Bad Ahang, accepted in the 10th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Tehran, September 4-6, 2007.
Application of SATEEC model in GIS Environment Estimation Of Sedimentation And Mapping Of Erosion Intensity Under Zayandehrud Dam Watershed. Hussein Karimi, Hussein Karimi Wardanjani and Saifaullah Ghorbani. Fourth National Conference on Watershed Management Science and Engineering - Watershed Management, March 1-2, 2007, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran.
Application of USLE Model in GIS Environment For Estimating Sedimentation In The Basin West Of Karkheh River In Khuzestan Province. Hossein Karimi, Bahar Mulazem and Karim Bad Ahang. The first conference on natural resources and environment regions of Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan branch. March 7, 2008
Effectiveness of Watershed Management Operations In Khorrambid And Tavilehband Watersheds Of Fars Province. Mohammad Reza Khoshnami, Hassan Moghim, Hossein Karimi, Mohammad Bozorgnejad. . The first conference on natural resources and environment regions of Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan branch. March 7, 2008
Study of Aggregate Stability In Areas With Glacial Erosion In Fars Province. Hussein Karimi, Ghulam Hussein Haquniya, Majid Sufi, Amir Fatwat. 9th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Tehran, September 6-9, 2005. 478-477
Investigation of the Role Of Electrical Conductivity On Clay Flatness Index In Eroded Areas Of Kondoran (Hormozgan province). Majid Sufi, Hussein Karimi, Fatemeh Rasouli and Mohammad Zare Mehrjardi. . 9th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Tehran, September 6-9, 2005. 546-544
Evaluation of Aggregate Stability And Soil Erosion Potential In Loamy And Sandy Loam Soils: a case study of Lamerd plain-Fars province, Hossein Karimi, Majid Sufi, Gholamhossein Haghnia, Reza Khorasani. Gorgan Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. Volume 14, Number 6, February-March 2007.
Causes of Mass Movements According To Soil Characteristics And Geology Of Rakat Sub-Basin Of Karun 3 Dam Basin Of Khuzestan Province, Hossein Karimi, Karim Bad Ahang, accepted in the 10th Iranian Soil Science Congress, Tehran, September 4-6, 2007.
Application of SATEEC model in GIS Environment Estimation of Sedimentation and Mapping Of Erosion Intensity Under Zayandehrud Dam Watershed. Hussein Karimi, Hussein Karimi Wardanjani and Saifaullah Ghorbani. Fourth National Conference on Watershed Management Science and Engineering - Watershed Management, March 1-2, 2007, Faculty of Natural Resources, Tehran.
Application of USLE Model In GIS Environment For Estimating Sedimentation In The Basin West Of Karkheh River In Khuzestan Province. Hossein Karimi, Bahar Mulazem and Karim Bad Ahang. The first conference on natural resources and environment regions of Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan branch. March 7, 2008
Effectiveness of Watershed Management Operations in Khorrambid and Tavilehband Watersheds of Fars Province. Mohammad Reza Khoshnami, Hassan Moghim, Hossein Karimi, Mohammad Bozorgnejad. The first conference on natural resources and environment regions of Islamic Azad University, Arsanjan branch. March 7, 2008.
Investigation of Spatial-Temporal Changes Of Soil Particles In Dryland Cultivation Of Wheat In Sloping Fields. Hussein Karimi, Amir Lakzian, Gholam Hossein Haqniya, Hojjat Emami and Majid Sufi. Scientific Journal of Water and Soil, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 2015.
Investigation of Spatial And Temporal Changes In Soil Waste Under Concentrated Flow In Rainfed Wheat Grooves, Hossein Karimi, Amir Lakzian, Gholamhossein Haghnia, Hojjat Emami, Majid Sufi, Journal of Watershed Engineering and Management, 2015.
Zoning of Ecotourism Potential Using TOPSIS Model and GIS (Case study: Binaloud city), Solmaz Razzaqpour, Hossein Karimi and Farid Javaherzadeh, National Conference on Ecotourism, Culture and Tourism Development, Mashhad, Binaloud Higher Education Institute, 2019.
Locating Suitable Areas Of Centralized Ecotourism, 1st Floor, Based On Ecological Potential In Binaloud City, Keyvan Asgarzadeh Torqabeh, Zahra Pouri and Hossein Karimi, National Conference on Ecotourism, Culture and Tourism Development, Mashhad, Binaloud Institution of Higher Education, 2019.
Refereeing scientific-research journals
Journal of Soil Science and Technology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Tehran Soil and Water Journal
Iranian Journal of Irrigation and Drainage
Educational experience
Teaching background
Teaching soil erosion and protection course, Department of Soil Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, academic years 2004-2008.
Teaching soil and water protection course, Department of Soil Science, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, 2007 academic year.
Teaching General Soil Science, Department of Soil Science, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch, academic years 2004-2006.
Teaching the course of principles and application of remote sensing and GIS in natural resources using ENVI and ArcGIS software in the Department of Soil Science, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch. 2008.
Teaching a workshop on the principles and applications of Geographic Information System (GIS) in agricultural sciences using ArcGIS software in Islamic Azad University-Shiraz Branch. 2009.
Soil erosion and protection in Iran (importance and challenges ahead). Hussein Karimi. Research Week Lecture. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. December 2009
Teaching the principles and application of remote sensing in natural resources using ENVI software in the Department of Natural Resources and Green Space of Binaloud Institution of Higher Education, Mashhad. From 2015 until present.
Teaching GIS course in the master's degree of Green Space field students of Binaloud Institution of Higher Education, Mashhad. From 2015 until present.
Teaching research method course in master's degree to students of natural resources and green space of Binaloud Institution of Higher Education, Mashhad. From 2015 until now.
Teaching Endnote training course for postgraduate students of Binaloud Institution of Higher Education. From 2016 until now.
Teaching soil protection course for undergraduate students of natural resources and environment at Binaloud Institution of Higher Education since 2014.
Teaching GIS course to master's degree students of urban planning of Binaloud Institution of Higher Education, Mashhad. From 2016 until now.
Teaching GIS course to master's degree students of tourism in Binaloud Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad. From 2015 until now.
Passed courses
Training course on the principles and application of GIS and remote sensing in natural resources and watershed management projects.
Training course of familiarity with ENVI and ILWIS software and digital interpretation of satellite images.
Pre-IELTS and IELTS English language courses
Training course on familiarity with the standard requirements of the quality management system ISO 9001: 2000.
Internal audit training course of ISO 9001: 2000 quality management system.
Erosion and Sediment Studies, Soil Science and Geographic Information System (GIS)
Khuzestan Province
Studies of the first and second stages of the water supply and water supply plan of the green space of Shousha.
Environmental Impact Assessment (ETA) of Aghajari oil and gas field development plan.
Flood control studies of Behbahan urban basin of Khuzestan province.
Evaluation studies of Parchuk watershed in Dezful, Khuzestan province
Review studies of the detailed executive plan of Dashtgol city of Masjed Soleiman city of Khuzestan province
Evaluation studies of Miankuh Omidieh watershed
Evaluation studies of Masjed Soleiman Diamond Watershed
Evaluation studies of Andimeshk tower girl
Case study of flood control in Izeh urban basin of Khuzestan province.
Watershed management studies of Rakat sub-basin of Karun dam basin (3) of Khuzestan province
Detailed executive studies of watershed management of Maaref basin in Karun region located in Shousha city of Khuzestan province
Case study of flood control in Bardmar Basin of Masjed Soleiman, Khuzestan province
Flood control studies of Behbahan urban basin of Khuzestan province
Evaluation studies of Parchuk watershed in Dezful, Khuzestan province
Review studies of the detailed executive plan of Dashtgol city of Masjed Soleiman city of Khuzestan province
Evaluation studies of Miankuh Omidieh watershed
Evaluation studies of Masjed Soleiman Diamond Watershed
Evaluation studies of Andimeshk Borj-e-Dokhtar
Fars province
Comprehensive detailed executive studies of natural resources and watershed management of Mordak Parsel A4 watershed.
Case studies of flood control plan and artificial feeding of Zakian Baba Koohk watershed in Sepidan city
Flood control and artificial feeding studies in Dangz basin of Larestan
Case studies of watershed management and aquifer of Koraki basin of Farashband, Fars province
Detailed executive studies of watershed management of Parcel A3 Tang Abolhayat, Kazerun city, Fars province
Case studies of Laghar and Bahmani Joyem rivers in Larestan
Detailed executive studies of Dali Amin Nazar Mamasani watershed management in Fars province
Detailed executive studies of watershed management in Mohammadabad Abadeh basin of Fars province
Case studies of Fadagh quadruple watershed in Lar city
Evaluation of watershed management studies of Dorodzan dam
Case studies of flood control plan and artificial feeding of Savargheib watershed (Dejgah)
Studies of recognizing the Nilo water basin of Farashband city
Flood control studies and artificial feeding of Gonbad watershed in Farashband city
Chaharmahal Bakhtiari Province
Detailed executive watershed management studies of Jamalo-Pahna basin of Zayandehrood dam basin of Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province
Detailed executive studies of watershed management in Birgan basin of Chaharmahal Bakhtiari province
Isfahan province
Flood identification and zoning studies of rivers in Isfahan province
Study of 1: 250,000 maps of land resources in Daqsorkh watershed using ETM + sensor images and field visits.
Study of 1: 250,000 maps of Dez watershed land resources in Isfahan province using ETM + sensor images and field visit.
Study of 1: 250,000 maps of land resources of Karun watershed in Isfahan province using ETM + sensor images and field visit.
Yazd Province
Studies of the second phase of artificial feeding of 14 watersheds south of Tabas
Investigation of 1: 250,000 maps of land resources of 14 Tabas watersheds in Yazd province using ETM + sensor images and field visits and preparation of soil erodibility map.
Cooperation with Fars Province Agricultural Engineering Organization
Soil expert in wheat fields management plan, Fars province - Shiraz city, 2003-2005 crop years