-Specialized workshops for the existing fields, including civil engineering workshops, architecture and urban planning studios, etc.

-Conference hall for meetings and roundtables

-Computer sites equipped with advanced computers connected to the Internet

-Library and studying hall equipped with Persian and English publishable materials

-Standard classrooms equipped with video projector systems and computers

-Praying room

-Automatic meteorological station

-Outdoor buffet and tray


Outdoor canteen

Indoor multipurpose gym includes:


    - Futsal courts

    - Handball courts

    - Two standard volleyball courts

    - Six standard badminton courts

    - Ten table tennis tables


Equipped laboratories including:

     - Soil science laboratory

     - General and organic chemistry laboratory

     - Genetics Laboratory

     - Zoology laboratory

     - Botanical laboratory

     - Soil and Fertilizer Fertility Laboratory

     - Horticulture laboratory

     - Physics lab

      - Botanical laboratory

     - Imran laboratory


-conference hall

-Institution dining hall